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Know more about and Social Bookmarking


While surfing the Internet you may find an interesting site and mark it a favourite in your browser, There is no way to share this site with your friends and over time you forget about it, The solution to this is social bookmarking, In the year 2003, coined the term social bookmarking for its tagging services, Social bookmarking has become the most popular method to store, share, organize, manage and search bookmarks of web pages on the Internet, It is an easy way to collect resource and share them with other users publicly or privately depending on your preference, you can create repositories of these bookmarks and organize them by adding unique tags to them, Some bookmarking services also automatically organize these bookmarks by using the content in the web page itself

Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking has gradually evolved over the years and has additional features such as rating and comments added to it, it also has a unique features to import and export bookmarks between browsers and share them via email or social networks, Most bookmarking sites also provide web feeds to other users so that other users can view the most recent bookmarks, Social bookmarking comes in handy if you are using multiple computers, you can have all the bookmarks saved on the site for easy access from anywhere in the world, some of the most popular social bookmarking services are Stumpleupon,, NewsVine and there are many others.

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