The Importance of PageRank
The PageRank algorithm rates pages on a scale from zero to ten, scoring everything from as-yet-unheard-of webpages to the likes of amazon, Google and yahoo, Despite its name, however, PageRank is more of score than a rank, Google doesn't have a single hierarchy of pages, and many pages share the same value.
In addition, a page's rank exist outside of any particular Google search, Put another way: Google ignores PageRank when its searching, using it instead to decide the order in which it displays the result of that search, so when you run a search, Google looks through its various indexes of keyword and phrases, and first build a list of results from pages that match your criteria, Then Google uses PageRank of each pages to help determine what order to offer them in.
You can find out your site's PageRank on the Google Toolbar, First make sure you've Got the PageRank display turned on , To do so open the toolbar option dialog box by clicking the option button and then the option tab, where you can find the PageRank display choice; to turn it on , you must have the advanced feature going, Then go to a page on your site and mouse over the PageRank bar to display a little box revealing the rank,
The Importance of PageRank - PageRank is Google's algorithm for determining the ranking of webpages, It was formulated by Google founder sergey brin and Larry page and has been used ever since - in concert with a plethora of other calculation and corrections - as the juice behind Google. Put succinctly, the rank of a page is determined by the number of pages that point to it,
Friday, August 28, 2009 | 0 Comments ^^
^^^The Truth About Replacement InkJet Cartridges
But an ink is an ink and if it does the job, then it’s fine by me. The consumer reports study that NMCNNIC cited says that the only thing replacement Printer cartridges can do is it might cost you more in the long run since some of them have half the amount of ink than on original ink cartridges but take note of the word “some”. So if I happen to come by a very high quality replacement ink that doesn’t leak and actually has the same amount of ink as the original, what argument do printer manufacturers and consumer reports have now?
You could save money by buying compatible Epson ink cartridges, which provide fantastic value for money, whilst still giving superior print quality
Yes, you’ve heard it from Epson, HP, Canon, and just about every big name computer ink manufacturers out there: replacement inks could damage your printers but is there truth to their claims or is this all just a big marketing ploy? I’ve been wondering the same thing myself until NMCNNIC has published their own thoughts about the matter. True, there are no scientific research about this and the only reason that ink manufacturers say that replacement inks can damage your printer is because they say that they “leak” and that they’re not the same formulation as theirs.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 | 0 Comments ^^
^^^Faster access to My Network Places
In XP, open 'Run' in the start menu, enter 'regedit' and then click 'OK' to start the registry editor in Vista on the other hand, type 'regedit' in the start menu search box and press [Enter]. You must confirm the user account control after opening the registry.
Navigate to the 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace' Key in the editor. Then open 'Edit | New | Key'. Don't give it any name. In the right pane. double click on 'Default Data' and enter the values as '{992CFFAO-F557-101A-88EC-OODD010CCC48}' and save and exit. Then close the Registry and restart Windows Explorer. Watch our for a new icon on the Window.
Faster access to My Network Places - In XP, you had direct access to my Network Places in the start menu, In Vista, you have to work your way to it using the network and sharing center! With a registry trick, you will be able to directly open My Network Places in Windows Explorer in Both the systems under the list of drives, Thus, you get direct access to something that will save a lot of time, especially in Vista.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 | 0 Comments ^^
^^^Revamp your boring pictures with PhotoFunia
You don't have to be a photo shop expert to do this, just upload your picture and the site will do the rest for you, It's that simple ! After you get the new images, you can save the images on your computer or publish it on your website or blog, So now you can get your picture up on a billboard or mug in just a few clicks.
Revamp your boring pictures with the site Photofunia and add some fun to it, just log on to this site and select from the many effects and upload a front facing picture with the effect you have selected and create an amazing combination of the two This site uses face detection technology to merge the photograph with the effect, you can create an effect to put your picture on a billboard magazine, mug, tattoo, frame , coin, a pencil sketch and much more, you Will be surprised with these effects; you can even morph your picture on the famous Mona Lisa !
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 | 0 Comments ^^
^^^Old printer driver that crash Windows
Windows displays device drivers from old printers in the device manager only when an environment variable is modified, To make obsolete drivers visible, press [ Win ] + [ Pause] to open the "System Properties", In the 'Advanced' tab click on 'Environment Variable', Click on 'New' under 'System Variables', in the 'Variable Name' field enter 'devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices' and enter the digit '1' as the 'Variable Value'. Click on 'OK' and restart the PC.
Now press [Win] +[Pause] again to bring up the System Properties' menu. Go to 'Hardware' and select 'Device Manager' Click 'View | Show Hidden Devices', which will allow you to view the old driver, Right-click on the it and select 'Uninstall', once you have uninstalled it, restart your PC
There is always a problem when installing new printer especially when installing a Multifunction Printer You can now print to your heart's content without worrying about Windows crashing anymore.
Installing new printer can be quite a hassle. Everything seems perfect, except for XP, Since it now always crashes whenever you try to print or just keeps printing. Using this tweak, you can look for old drivers and non-connected hardware devices and delete them. The drivers of the old printer are the main cause of this misery, you will need to uninstall them to fix this problem, But this is easier said than done since Windows displays on ly the current drivers that are connected in the Device manager.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 | 0 Comments ^^
^^^How Technology Has Change the Way we Learn Musical Instruments
Let's just look for a moment at how someone would learn to play guitar say 15 years ago before the Internet and the multitude of options available today.
You had two options before the web came along to learn guitar. One, you could go to your local music school or find a private instructor that gave lessons from their home. Each lesson would be $10-$15 bucks a session and you'd usually come once a week, practice the remaining six days an come back the following week.
The second alternative was to purchase one of the teach yourself guitar books or VHS videos. This was a bit more difficult since you didn't have the direct interaction with someone but it was doable if you had the determination to learn.
Today those books have been replaced with websites that can be updated faster and offer you far more information then a $15 book ever could. The VHS videos are now guitar instruction dvds, and usually not just one but a set with months worth of content to learn from.
So then what has happened to the guitar teacher who used to teach from their basement on week nights and weekends? They're still around because some students still want the interaction. How ever there are fewer and fewer students that are looking for their services now.
A few of these individuals saw the writing on the wall and made a change to their business. Instead of looking for students to charge $15 an hour to they decide to make their own guitar lesson series on dvd.
By taking their knowledge about the guitar and converting it into a digital format on DVD or a website they suddenly had a wider audience to sell their lessons to and didn't have to spend every night doing it.
While technology has changed the way we do a lot of things this example of learning to play guitar shows that it has helped not just students adapt but also the teachers. While unfortunately not as many teachers make the transition as students the lucky few that do will enjoy the fruits of their labour.
The Internet has changed how we do just about everything. Buy groceries, do our banking, find spouses and entertain ourselves. It's also changed how a lot of service professionals now have to do business. When we used to want to learn a new skill, find tutoring for our child or even learn to play guitar we would find a local teacher, business or check the yellow pages for lessons. Not so today, websites have often replaced the individual instructor. It's more convenient for the student and most of the time cheaper.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 | 0 Comments ^^
^^^Windows Mobile PDA Smartphone with Skype and Gps Navigator
This pda phone has the capability to access and edit all Microsoft office document such as word and Excel files. It comes with Wi-Fi and HSDPA for high speed data transfer and Internet. Camera quality is decent with 3 mega pixel camera with MP3 player
All new Windows Mobile PDA Smart phone is designed to aim the new users to Throw their Old handsets and feel the features of fully loaded PDA. The Windows Mobile PDA Smart phone has a 3.2 Inch Touch Screen which makes this phone an easy handset to use even for the first time PDA user. this handset has a GPS and Skype facility and it runs on the Windows Mobile 6.1 O.S. Customers can use their MSN Live account with your email software through Hotmail,
Monday, August 24, 2009 | 0 Comments ^^
^^^Why Adsense ads become temporarily unavailable
Why AdSense ads become temporarily unavailable? Well This is quite normal if you have a poor content and if ads are not available in your region, changing ad type may also rectify this problem, there are also some other problems such as problem with java scripting within the template AdSense don't want to place more than enough codes on the article page. for that you can split ads with in your web page
Sunday, August 23, 2009 | 0 Comments ^^
^^^Youtube style wordpress themes | Download Youtube Template
It is YouTube style wordpress theme, It's a great YouTube template having all features of Wordpress! This is Free wordpress theme and it will help you create a youtube video blog with wordpress. You can use YouTube Blog with all Wordpress plugins (SEO plugins for example!) , Isn't Great?. You can embed videos from anywhere or host yourself. You can also upload videos and use JW player [ ] to play them. If you want you can embed Videos from anywhere else and use their bandwidth. See Demo

Sunday, August 23, 2009 | 0 Comments ^^