More Accurate Searches
While searching for a particular page on Google sites you are given an option to specify which websites you would like to search in, You can choose to search within websites that you are invited to, or all the public websites available on Google sites
Adding an accurate description to your website is important in terms of SEO, because the site description is included as a description is included as a description meta-tag, For all public websites, the description meta tag may be displayed by other search engines in the result snipper, This can even route more traffic to your website. SEO is a broad subject with different terms and terminologies. You have to do a lot of search to get the correct knowledge of all various concept of SEO, SEO Reseller program, Free SEO websites, reselling of SEO, and Outsourcing SEO services, submission etc.
Having a good description for your site makes it easier for people to understand exactly what your site is all about, If it appears as a search result, With all these features and a lot more on offer, Google sites makes it truely easy to setup your own website with minimum hassle.
For more insights and More information about SEO and Resell SEO Keep visiting Digital Compass.
Google incorporates its search technology into its sites service. Using techniques like stemming and synonym support you can search through the millions of sites on Google sites. Stemming helps improve your search result by not limiting your search to only the typed keywords, by including popular variations of the words used, For example if a search is made for "car racing" your result would contain sites with words like "Car race" with synonym support, words with similar meanings to the keywords are searched for, For example a search for "car insurance" will return results with words like "auto insurance" and "vehicle insurance"
Tuesday, July 07, 2009 | 0 Comments ^^
^^^An easy way to convert SWF to SCR (ScreenSaver)
Getting your swf to exe and swf to scr file conversion is pretty simple, you just need to compile your scr and exe file with swf maestro. it can convert your swf file to an executable application of .exe extension similarly you can also convert your swf file into a screensaver (.swf extension). The benefit with this software is that you can generate the exe's from your swf which also include blank or transparent backgrounds.
This software can also be used to generate "try before you buy" application program of your swf projects if you need to offer your flash projects for review. Swfmaestro can help you save your product it provide a clear judgment of your product and project to your clients. It supports various swf files and also allow files like video, audio, images, xml and many other file types. The result window is draggable and can be resize with ease and comfort of the user. you can download the trial versions on the homepage of Swfmaestro
Converting your file format is the most common thing the users try to do when they acquire some sort of experience. The file conversion can be done for different conversion like securing personal data, to bring down the disk space involved, cover the things which others can not identify [open] and many more. Today we will discuss how to Convert your flash files into exe and scr.
Monday, July 06, 2009 | 1 Comments ^^