Pros and Cons of large Back linking » Digital Compass
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Pros and Cons of large Back linking

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First let me state make clear that getting a lot of backlinks at once doesn’t hurt your site or put you in the Google sandbox. If it was like that I would wipe my competitors off the Internet in no time at all. All links to your site is good but some are better (the related site links).- - - - -

So what if you could get hundreds of backlinks per hour pointing to your site? Sure it would make some bells ring at Google and they might not list all that links so you wouldn’t get the Page rank you so hard desire. Not at the moment at least but after some time you would and it seems like Google have a sandbox similar to links.


If you have a bunch of links to your site and google for links:’re you will only see a few of them. If you on another hand go to Google Webmaster tools and check your links there you will probably see a lot more links. If you then head over to Yahoo and search for links to your site from there you will see even more.

My point is. If you get a lot of links and go from like 2 backlinks to 10000 in no time at all you are only risking to get the links not registered (a sandbox like function) and no PR transferred form those links for a while. Although... In the long run it will make a difference. What about the site that comes up with the latest and hottest news that everybody wants to link to? Well.. I doubt that Google want to be the first to exclude that site.

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