Blogging your way to the top of the search engines » Digital Compass
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Blogging your way to the top of the search engines

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Basically, in a nutshell, a blog is an ongoing article of information on any given topic. With the technical side ,being an RSS (Real Simple Syndication) feeds which are often seen on news and weather websites.

Considering that the majority of webmasters and internet gurus use blogging tools to generate a large chunk of search engine traffic to their websites.

The real power of RSS is that these article feeds are like fresh content on the blog which is exactly what search engines love. Search engines love websites that are updated with fresh information frequently.

Unfortunately blogs have been complicated and very confusing for the average net user to master

Many people use a blog just to organize their own thoughts, while others command influential, worldwide audiences of thousands. Professional and amateur journalists use blogs to publish breaking news, while personal journalists reveal inner thoughts. blog gives freedom to speak, say what ever you want to say.

So why not learn a little of this technology and start your own blog today.

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