What is competitive ad filter? A must read
Competitive Ad Filter is a very powerful feature in our Adsense account so we should know how it works for getting the right result!
Let me start by explaining a senareo.
Pratik has a site that sells weight loss e books say for $ 20. He is also an adsense publisher. so he will naturally have ads relating to weight loss in his site through adsense.
Now Brad is another guy who has a site that sells weight loss e books for $ 15. And brad is an advertiser with GOOGLE ADWORDS. Now its possible that Brad's ad appears on Pratik's site.
Pratik has every possibility to lose his visitors to Brad!!
What can Pratik do??
Jus log on to his adsense account
go to adsense set up
select the competitive ad filter
(now he gets a text area where he can enter upto 200 urls)
Pratik can now enter the url of Brad's ad that is appearing on his site.
Google doesn't allow ads from any url that is typed into this filter to appear on your site.
You may now be asking: My site does not sell anything! so why should I need this??
There is a possibility here. Jus read on...
For this, I shall take another case. Ben has a site featuring insurance. Ben's site can have different ads in it. Some of the ads may be of big insurance firms like the State Farm or the All State. There can also be ads from sites like Monster.com (Insurance JObs!!)
Now jus think what will Monster be willing to pay Google for a single click. Not much, 'cos Monster does not get much from a single visitor.
And now think of State Farm! A single visitor to their site may buy Insurance worth 1000s of dollors. So naturally State Farm will be willing no pay more!!
Now you can cleverly avoid the advertisers who pay less jus by entering the url that appear with the ad of that particular advertiser in your Competitive ad filter.
This means that no less paying ads!! Each click will gain you more..
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