Firefox Keyword lets you search faster » Digital Compass
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Firefox Keyword lets you search faster


Firefox keywords enable you to run searches on your favorite sites directly from the URL address bar. you probably hit the same web sites and search engines several times a day, Here's how to get to those pages as quickly as possible, First, go to a site has search capabilities, such as Wikipedia, right click the site's search field and select Add a keyword for this search, Next you'll need to name the shortcut and give it an easy to remember keyword such as the letter w, To search Wikipedia for George washington, for example you now need only to key up to firefox's address bar ( -L ) Type>> w George washington and press , You can actually associate a keyword with any bookmark-- even pages that dont involve searches, Just enter a short functional keyword in any bookmarks properties dialog box, For example try setting up the compose keyword to open a new Gmail message.

Once you've setup a few keyword. you can use your Firefox address bar as a powerful, customized command line. also sync your firefox bookmarks across your home, office, or laptop computers, using the foxmarks extension; this will keep your keyword vocabulary up-to-date whereever you're working.

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