Windows Optimization with Fresh UI 8 » Digital Compass
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Windows Optimization with Fresh UI 8


Fresh UI has hundreds of settings for configuring and optimizing windows XP/2000/NT/98/95/Me. With it you will be able to customize the windows user interface and applications settings, and control the user environment with policies, A plus point here is the good organization of the feature set with sections such as Applications, Hardware, Windows system and so on, This makes for easy navigation and usage, With Fresh UI you are essentially tweaking the windows registry settings. But you can also use it to enforce policies such as disallowing users to change the desktop wallpaper.

The benefit here is that you get a simple interface to play around with registry settings, As a precaution, Back up these registry first, So that you can revert to its earlier version if something goes wrong.


Probing into the ' Tools ' menu we discovered ways to tweak settings for the Dr watson windows debug tool For instance, you can specify the number of errors to save and opt for visual notification, if the integrity of data is a top concern then tweak the file signature verification setting, You can ask to be notified if system files are modified. A registry cleaner and editor is included. There's also a text editor for editing system configuration Files ( INI ), config.sys and autoexec.bat

VERDICT: A tool that makes Windows look and work the way you want to.

FOR: Easy navigation through features with detailed descriptions.

AGAINST: Does not work with Windows Vista.

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